May Watts Elementary

May Watts Elementary
May Watts Elementary School

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Here's a look at what's happening in ELL...

Kindergarten: We finished up our "cookie jar" name game and we have gotten to know all of our friends' names in class! We wrote our first journal entry and shared our favorite kind of cookie with each other in class. We also made a graph of our favorite cookies and counted up to find out that chocolate chip is the most favorite cookie :) We are now moving on to our unit on shapes this week.

First Grade: We got to know each other by playing the "Cookie Jar" game. We practiced writing sentences in our journals to explain to others in our class what our favorite kind of cookie is. We are now talking about weather and the different types of weather that we see in each of the four seasons.

Second Grade: Last week and yesterday we worked on map skills and identifying what can be found on different kinds of maps. We have been working in partners to talk about how we can use different maps. This week, all of second grade will be taking the Cognitive Abilities Test on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Third Grade: We have been finishing up our unit on identifying people in the community, their jobs, and what different things we can see in a community. The big idea that we have been talking about is that "Communities are made up of people and places". We designed our own community books as well as created our own communities.

Fourth Grade: We have been working on map skills in fourth grade. We have identified characteristics of different kinds of maps by thinking in smaller groups/ pairs and then sharing with the whole group. We will be creating maps of the school this week and providing directions to each other to see if we can find our way around the school using each others' maps!

Fifth Grade: We are working on making inferences by text that we are provided. We are practicing identifying something based on different clues that are provided to us. This week, the whole fifth grade is also taking the Cognitive Abilities Test on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

ELL Parent Night!

Hello Parents,
I will be sending home more information in regards to ELL Parent Night which is currently scheduled for Monday, October 3rd from 7 - 8 p.m at May Watts. On this information night, we will be going through an overview of the ELL program, taking a tour of the classroom, discussing resources that are available and there will be a brief question and answer time to address various questions that you may have in regards to the program. Due to the time contraints, I will not be able to discuss individual progress of each student. I look forward to meeting all of you!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What's happening in ELL?

We have officially started our ELL routine with all grade levels! 

During the end of last week and into this week, students have been getting to know their ELL peers as well as myself. We completed introductions and finished "All About Me" pages that allowed each student to tell their name, age, favorite color, number of people in their family, what they like to do and the language/s that are spoken at their home.

The students found it very interesting to count up all of the different languages that exist within just their own grade level! As we continue further into this week and into next week, we will be covering topics that are being discussed in their general classrooms.

Please send me an e-mail or call me at any time if you have any questions or concerns :)

Miss Lundeen

More ELL support!

We have a new teacher, Mrs. Erin Krishnan who is going to be helping out with our Kindergarten and First grade ELL students! Due to the large number of ELL students in these grades, it will be very helpful to have her working with me in the classroom to help support all of our students :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Welcome to Miss Lundeen's ELL Blog!

I'd like to welcome all ELL parents to my blog! I am very excited to work with your children for the 2011-2012 school year. My plan is to update my blog weekly to let you know what is happening in the ELL classroom. I hope that you find this to be very useful and informative. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at any time!

Friday, September 9, 2011

School Spirit Days!!

All May Watts Elementary students are encouraged to wear their May Watts clothing or blue and gray to show their school spirit!

The following are dates of this year's spirit days:
