Since ACCESS testing is finally complete, we are finally able to get back to our usual ELL routine!
We have had some minor group changes that will allow for more direct instruction to smaller group sizes. So far, this has proven to be a positive transition!
Our Kindergarten group now meets at the end of the day in smaller group setting. This week, we have been reinforcing beginning, middle and end sequencing skills. We connected sequencing stories to sequencing events in our school day.
First graders have been practicing making comparisons between penguins and other animals. They wrote characteristics that were the same and different between penguins and another animal. After completing their writing piece, the students completed their mix pair share activity to discuss their responses with others.
Our second grade group is discussing buoyancy and comparing objects that sink and float. The key element of our discussion has been describing why objects will sink and why they float. Our focus skill for the week is forming predictions and testing those predictions to determine if they are correct.
Third, fourth, and fifth graders are working on ISAT preparation activities. Our main focus in third and fourth grade includes homonyms, homophones, antonyms and synonyms, cause and effect and identifying the main idea in various reading materials. We are doing various cooperative activities that allow them to practice these skills.
Monday is Presidents Day and Tuesday is parent teacher conferences from 1-8. I will be available to meet with various parents of students throughout the day. Enjoy the long weekend :)
Miss Lundeen