It's hard to believe that the month of May is here and the school year is slowly coming to a close!
The students in ELL have been working this week on doing various cooperative activities and even conducting research to present to others in our group.
Kindergarten has been working on describing their favorite places by first drawing and labeling a picture with details and then forming complete sentences to describe what can be seen and done at their favorite place. These writing pieces turned out fantastic and will be a great addition to their journals from throughout the school year :).
Mrs. Krishnan and I pushed into the first grade classrooms to assist with their stories that were published by the first grade parents. These stories were extremely creative and it was very interesting to see their ideas come to life!
Second grade is reading and discussing national geographic books on animal life cycles to tie into their mealworm and life cycle unit. The past few days, we have been reviewing vocabulary words that connect to this unit and read various books to generate ideas on how all animals on Earth go through a life cycle. Next week, the students will be researching an animal and then describing their life cycle findings and facts to the rest of the group!
Third grade completed a jigsaw activity this week with vocabulary words from the Boomtown story that they are reading in class. Each student was placed on a color team and was responsible for researching information on their word, becoming an "expert" on the word from the story, discussing the word with a partner from the other color team, and teaching the definition (in his or her own words) and providing examples to his or her team members. The teams are working on creating a descriptive poster that showcases their knowledge of these words. Luckily, many of these words tie into their migration unit in social studies as well :)!
Fourth grade is beginning their unit on the West region. This week, the students were divided into pairs to compare and contrast the West region with the previously studied Northeast region using a venn diagram. All students used national geographic materials to locate interesting facts about both regions to find their simliarities and differences. Next week, the students will be completing a foldable that will highlight some key facts that we will discover about the West!
With Mrs. Bennick's flex group, fifth grade observed two stories that involved the work of Barbara Cooney including Miss Rumphius and Ox Cart Man. The students completed reading activities for Miss Rumphius and then discussed the differences between the 19th century and today for the Ox Cart Man.
Tomorrow and Monday will be CBM testing, therefore there will be no ELL services on those days. Mrs. Krishnan and I will be putting together a schedule to begin screening the incoming Kindergarten students beginning on May 21st, therefore ELL classes will end on May 18th.
As always, if there are any questions, please feel free to contact me :)
Miss Lundeen