May Watts Elementary

May Watts Elementary
May Watts Elementary School

Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy Fall!!
Our ELL groups started meeting this past week and it is wonderful to see and work with everyone again!
The following is a brief explanation of the schedule for when the students will be working with us:
9:15-9:55: Second grade students (Miss Lundeen- pull out small groups alternating MWF and T&TH)
10:00-10:45: Kindergarten students (Miss Lundeen- pushing into classes and rotating through each class during the week)
10:50-11:30: Fifth grade students (Miss Lundeen pushing in and pull out 5B)
11:50-12:20 (Miss Lundeen pull out 1st grade students alternating throughout the week)
12:25-1:00: (Miss Lundeen pull out lower level Kindergarten students)
2:30-3:20: (Miss Lundeen pull out newcomer students)
12:45-1:15 (Mrs. Howard push into 3BA)
1:20-1:50 (Mrs. Howard pullout students from 3K and 3P for small group)
2:00-2:30 (Mrs. Howard pull out 3BA and 3A students)
2:30-3:00 (Mrs. Howard push into Kindergarten M-TH)
12:40-1:30: Second Grade (Mrs. Krishnan push into 2BR for Math)
1:40-2:45 (Mrs. Krishnan push into 4th grade classes)
2:45-3:20 (Mrs. Krishnan pull out 4th grade students for small group)
Next week we will be testing 2nd and 5th graders for the CoGat test from 9:30-10:30 Monday-Wednesday, therefore our ELL morning groups will not be meeting. 
As always, please contact me with any questions. Enjoy the fall weather :)
Miss Lundeen


Monday, September 10, 2012

Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year :)

I am very excited to begin this school year and work will all of our wonderful ELL students again. I have a few updates to share:

- We have two additional part time ELL teachers coming from other schools to assist our ever-growing English language learner population. Mrs. Krishnan will be coming over part time from Kendall Elementary and Mrs. Howard will be coming from Scullen Middle School in the afternoons.

- Mrs. Karra will be working this year with our Telugu students in various classrooms.

We are in the midst of organizing the number of students in the ELL program and working out our schedule for each grade level to begin seeing our students. Paperwork for all ELL students was sent home on Friday September 7. Feel free to contact me with any questions that you have in regards to the program.

We will be having our ELL parent night on Thursday 9/13 from 6:00 to 6:30 before curriculum night in Room 107. We hope that you can attend a brief informational meeting to receive a description of the program, meet the ELL teachers, see the classroom and ask any questions that you may have!

We look forward to meeting all of you and working with your children this year!
Miss Lundeen