May Watts Elementary

May Watts Elementary
May Watts Elementary School

Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy December!

December is officially upon us! The weather is starting to feel colder and Winter will slowly be approaching. Here is a look at what each grade level has been up to in ELL class...

Kindergarten: The students have been discussing healthy food choices. We have looked at different pictures to identify what foods are healthy choices, what foods are unhealthy, how they taste (salty, sweet, bitter, sour) and we have also described by speaking and writing why certain foods are healthy.

First Grade: Last week, our focus was on the skill of rhyming! We read various stories, used our rhyming "Brag Bag" to make predictions of what objects rhyme with our clue, and played Read and Rhyme where students needed to read a word and identify a rhyme that matched the written word.

Second Grade: Second Grade has been working on a nutrition unit as well. Last week, we discussed what foods are healthy and what foods are unhealthy by creating a "healthy meal" using a paper plate and pictures from magazines. We also discussed the many ways to describe how foods taste aside from just sweet, sour, salty, etc. This week, we will be reviewing key vocabulary and discussing the concept of trees from their The Secret Life of Trees story from their classrooms.

Third Grade: Third Grade is beginning their animal habitat unit and we will be focusing on keywords and concepts that revolve around habitats. The students will be able to identify various habitats and describe key characteristics of those (climate, animals, location, etc). Each student will be doing some research on a particular habitat and reporting their findings to the rest of our group!

Fourth Grade: After completing the Rocks, minerals and volcanoes unit, the students will be discovering the Southeast region. We will be reading non-fiction material, watching National Geographic videos and creating brochures to identify key components of this region.

Fifth Grade: Mrs. Bennick and Miss Lundeen have been working together to focus on key literature skills throughout the week in our Flex group time. This week, we will be reading a mystery story and attempting to find the clues within the story to identify the solution to the mystery!

That will wrap up our first week in December :) As always, please let me know if you have any questions!

Miss Lundeen

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