May Watts Elementary

May Watts Elementary
May Watts Elementary School

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

This week in ELL!

Winter Break is almost upon us!

Here is a look at what each grade level is working on this week:

Kindergarten: These students are working on the letter "D" in their classrooms and will be practicing their writing skills and reading stories that surround the letter D. Kindergartners will be working on creating sentences and using vocabulary that they will be working with in class.

First Grade: These first graders are working on measurement and comparing different objects. We have been reading stories and looking at objects and identifying big, bigger, biggest; heavy, heavier, heaviest; tall, taller, tallest; etc. Students will be working with small groups to observe and analyze different objects and incorporating the numbered-heads together cooperative strategy to share their information.

Second Grade: Second grade is working with symmetry this week. Earlier in the week, we finished our discussion about comparing and contrasting 2D and 3D shapes, now we are working on creating pictures that are symmetrical. Our language skill for this week is creating and describing drawings that have symmetry or are the "same".

Third Grade: This week, our focus is on animal adaptations and understanding that all animals need some adaptation to survive. We have read stories, looked at national geographic videos, and even pretended to be whales and experimented with "blubber". Students had the opportunity to feel what it would be like to be a whale in icy cold water without the special adaptation of blubber to help keep them warm. We did this experiment using a bucket of ice water and zip-loc bags filled with vegetable shortening (Don't worry the "blubber" was in separate bags, so the 3rd graders did not get messy :) )

Fourth Grade: We are exploring the Southeast this week! We are reading documents and taking virtual explorations through the Florida Everglades to experience what life is like down in the Southeast Region. Our main focus to assist with their social studies instruction in class is identifying vocabulary related to the geography, economy, and the history of the Civil Rights Movement.

Fifth Grade: Mrs. Bennick and Miss Lundeen are working with 5th grade students on exploring multi-cultural books and analyizing interesting information from each. We have completed synthesizing reading guides to help maintain our focus and summarize key information.

These units will continue into parts of next week due to the shortened time frame! As always, please let me know of any questions :)

Miss Lundeen

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